Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Flixpress - Create video, animation & intros online New User Registration

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Dear mustaoha jamal,

Thank you for registering with Flixpress.  You now have access to the fastest way to make quality videos, animations & intros online.  We just need one more thing. Please click on the link below to activate your account.

Click on this link to verify your account

If the above link is not available, simply cut and paste the following address into your browser:


Your registered user name is mustapha_mhz. If you ever required to reset your password, please use this user name and save this email for future reference.

If you have trouble veryfying your account, don't hestiate to contact our support at support@flixpress.com. We are always here to help.

Thank You, we appreciate your support
Flixpress Team

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