Sunday, August 24, 2014

Henderson Chiropractor Helps Alleviates Pain From Auto Accidents

By Frank Carbart

A car crash may happen because of negligence on the part of the other driver. Any part of the body may be injured. A broken leg or dislocated shoulder is possible. If the spine is hurt, the resulting pain may be long-lasting. Residents in the area will find Henderson NV personal injury assistance in the office of a prominent chiropractor.

The backbone is especially susceptible to harm due to the jerking motion of the car as it crashes. The vertebral bones that encase the delicate spinal cord may be misaligned by the impact. This can result in excruciating hurt.

When the vertebrae are out of place, they can press against a sensitive spinal nerve. This will cause significant hurting. Until the pressure is taken off the nerve, the pain will not subside.

Chiropractic care uses a method called spinal adjustment to coax these subluxated vertebrae back into the original position. As the pressure against a nerve is reduced, so is the excruciating pain. Using a series of these gentle adjustments returns the back to its formerly healthy condition in most cases.

It is not possible to enjoy a good quality of life when daily pain in the knees, shoulders or back are present. When whiplash occurs, the individual is unable to turn the head to the right or left. If the head is not immobilized the hurting will be significant.

Whiplash is primarily the result of a rear-end collision by another driver. Even if the speed is low, an injury can still occur. Women, because they have weaker necks, suffer this type of injury more often than men.

After a crash each victim has a different reaction. In some cases the pain is felt immediately at the scene of the accident. In others, it is not noticed until days later.

When it does, make an appointment with the chiropractor to begin your road to recovery. An evaluation is done. Following that, a series of adjustments to the cervical vertebrae will alleviate the pain.

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