Friday, January 17, 2014

3 Amazing Ways to Shape Up Your Muscles in Less Than 7 days!

Imagine you need to look great to get all the
attention at the biggest party of the year. The cloak
has already started ticking and you have got 7 days to
fix yourself for the D-Day. If you can take out 15 to
30 minutes in the next few days, you can be ready for
Step 1:
Exercise: Start with skipping and jogging and chin-ups
by hanging from a rod for warming up.
Two steps of crunches or sit-ups for strengthening and
toning your abdominal muscles.
Then go for Flat bench press and dumbbell flyers for
the entire chest area, focusing mainly on the inner
chest and followed by 2 sets of push-ups.
Work on your trapezium for the collar muscle and
shoulder pressing.
For biceps the exercise to be followed is standing
barbell curl.
Next you can work out on your Triceps with Single
dumbbell or French press and fore forearms.
Skipping will have an effect on your legs, other wise
you can go for Squats and back with lat pull down.
Step 2:
Diets are just as important as exercise, because it is
the most important part of getting the body you want.
You have to eat good to look good. You need protein,
and you don't need fat. Stay away from junk and fatty
foods. Not all fat is bad; there is a healthy fat.
This fat can be found in fish, Nuts and some oils.
Have Lots of fibers such as leafy vegetables, salads
and daily products.
Step 3: The results though wont come easily and they
wont come very fast either, So Stay dedicated,
motivated and consistent, and do all 3 steps correctly
to get the desired result.
Venkata Ramana is a Fitness Enthusiast and a Professional Body Builder. Visit his Weight Loss, and Body Building websites and gain maximum Information to stay fit and healthy.


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