Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What You Should Know About Military Antennas

By Patty Goff

The antennas are characterized by a number of parameters. Radiation pattern is a graphic representation of radiation characteristics of an antenna according to direction (azimuth and elevation coordinates). Most often represent the radiated power density, but also can find diagrams or phase bias (military antennas). Considering the radiative pattern, we can make a general classification of types of antenna and we can define the directivity of a receiver (isotropic antenna, directional, bi-directional, omni).

This parameter is defined as the ratio between the maximum radiated power in a geometric direction and power radiated in opposite direction. When this relationship is reflected in dB scale, the ratio F / B (Front / Back) is the difference in dB between the maximum radiation level and radiation level of 180 degrees. This parameter is especially useful when interference back is critical in choosing the antenna that we use.

Beamwidth: The angular range of directions in which the radiation of a beam takes a value 3 dB below the maximum. The direction in which the radiated power is halved. Ratio at the secondary main lobe (SLL): The ratio in dB between the maximum value of main lobe and the maximum value of secondary lobe. Front-back ratio (FBR): The ratio in dB between the value of maximum radiation and the same direction and opposite direction.

Comparing an antenna yagi with a satellite, the antenna yagi have a F / B ratio of about 15 dB (depending on model and manufacturer) while for the parabolic relationship F / B is> 35dB (depending on model and manufacturer) . This is observed as "good" antenna on rejection of signals by the rear. The higher the paramentro in parabolic antennas will be better. The 15 dB of antenna yagui it can also be interpreted as the attenuation that would have on the system, if for example a bounced capture of a building, by the rear of the wave. Radiation resistance - when power is supplied to an aerial, radiating part of it and part is converted into heat dissipating. When talking about radiation resistance, it is made taking into account that cannot be measured directly.

The antenna resistance is the sum of the transmission resistance and loss resistance. The antennas are called resonant when its input reactance vanishes. Beam is a radiation parameter, linked to a radiation pattern. May define the beam width at -3 dB, which is angular range within which the radiated power density is equal to half of maximum power (in main direction of radiation).

There are three basic types of transmitters: wire, aperture and planar antennas. Also, clusters of these aerials (arrays) are usually considered in the literature as another basic type of antenna. Wire transmitters are variants whose radiating elements are wire conductors having a negligible section relative to wavelength employment.

The dimensions are generally a maximum wavelength. It is widely used in the bands of MF, HF, VHF and UHF. You can find wire antenna arrays. Examples of wire antennas are: the vertical monopole, the dipole and its evolution, the Yagi, loop antenna and the helical antenna is a special type of antenna that is used primarily on VHF and UHF. It describes a helix conductor, thereby producing a circular polarization.

The wire transmitters are analyzed from the electrical currents of the conductors. Aperture aerials are those that use surfaces or openings to direct the electromagnetic beam which concentrate their transmission and reception antenna system in one direction.

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