Saturday, September 30, 2017

Are Athletes Doping When They Take Deer Antler Velvet Supplements

By Marie Robinson

Supplements manufactured from deer antler velvet are considered to be performance enhancers since they contain the component that is called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF 1). Some sports persons were earlier on pointed out to perform better than their competitors from using this product. Bodies and federations that are concerned with sports in general made a decision to prohibit this supplement pure on the grounds that it would egg on athletes to take part in such activities. No attempt was made to comprehend if the deer antler velvet supplements are a natural compound or if it is a drug that could act as a performance escalator.

The horn velvet is extracted from the elk of the deer family that are mainly found in Western countries (e. G., New Zealand, United States). Manufacturers make sure that they extract the horns before complete calcification so as to acquire the full benefits of the supplement. These particular species produce the greatest amount of this material. Once the harvesting has been done, they cut it into four parts reason being each part has an exclusive health benefit to the human body. They then lay it out to dry. At times, the antlers are boiled and eaten to increase mental vitality.

With companies such as MusclePharm, Dymatize and the body evolution making a stand being drug and banned substance free more athletes and fitness enthusiasts are becoming more aware of what is proper. There are so many factors that go all the way to government policies to new diseases that come up on a daily basis. People around the world are trying to go the natural and holistic way to better their health.

Plenty of information is available about how animals are used to test a number of medications and cosmetics. It is a standard practice for companies to test products on animals before it is passed on for human consumption or use. This could be the reason why animal-rights activists show concern and ask questions about how the raw material used during the manufacture of supplements like these are obtained.

They were earlier considered as a performance enhancer, and some sporting federations had even banned the product. The instance of a world-famous golfer being victimized is one after the biggest examples that can be spoken about. Athletes have today realized that they would have to be extra careful or face embarrassments that are today heaped on two Olympic champions.

Research has shown one of the big benefits from this supplement is it can help repair cartilage and heal tendon injuries which makes it so attractive to athletes such as bodybuilders, football players, and many other athletes alike.

You must take caution because many professional sports organizations such as the National Football League has banned this substance because of its performance enhancement capabilities. This is also frowned upon and discouraged by Natural Bodybuilding

The profession that they work in requires them to recover fast after a strenuous session of training. These are factors, which cannot be overlooked by athletes. At the same time, they cannot depend on steroids or drugs to achieve the results they want. It is this realization that as prompted these people to use supplement made from elk horn velvet.

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