Sunday, September 24, 2017

Important Information On Spinal Cord Injury Exercises

By Raymond Jones

Generally, this refers to a condition whereby a person incurs injuries in the spine or the backbone. The occurrence of these injuries may affect certain areas or parts of the backbone. The effects of these injuries include loss of sensation or paralysis. This will occur when the part affected is connected to these body parts. This, therefore, renders a person dependent since they have to depend on certain things for activities such as moving. Therefore, spinal cord injury exercises plays a very major role in improving body parts functioning and sensations.

As a matter of fact, the damage to your central nervous system or CNS could be permanent. Nevertheless, with exercises and physical rehabilitation, you can redevelop some of the functions as well as regain some independence. Therefore, it is important to ensure you are active after an injury to your spine. This is because it helps to improve your function and recovery.

When these injuries occur, people tend to think that a person will become permanently and completely paralyzed down from the neck. Contrary to this, it is only in extreme cases whereby the neck CNS is severely damaged, that will lead to a person become completely paralyzed. Most people become paralyzed from the waist to the leg. The two problems usually occur but are determined by the severity, type, and form of injury.

These incidents come with different repercussions as some will live independently as normal while others might become disabled forever while others will have to walk using aids. When the damage is termed as complete, then the patient or a person will have to lose all the motor and sensory activities. In an incomplete case, some functions will remain normal. Persons suffering from incomplete damages are most likely going to regain back motor functions unlike those suffering from complete damages.

Motion is a very important activity that can be use to reduce spasticity. This is a term used to define the rigidness and tightness of muscles and joints due to lack of movements. Muscle spasms and pain are the problems associated with spasticity rendering movement of these parts problematic.

This condition can be reduced in the case where flexibility is improved. This is achieved through passive and self-motion exercises. On the passive aspect of motion, physical, rehabilitation and occupational therapies are carried out. With this, a patient is able to move muscles and joints easily. A patient can, however, perform these motion exercises in a self-range. This is however possible where after the injury your arm can be moved fully or partially.

In the recovery process, patients suffering from SCI should carry out stretching activities on a daily basis. These activities help a lot in improving and retaining motion. Daily activities such as moving from wheelchair or dressing become very difficult in case your body muscles become tight. This limits ones independence.

A SCI patient is likely to develop secondary complications in case he does not carry out these activities. Pressure sores, respiratory complications, and UTI infections among are others some of the secondary complications. Weight gain, pain, and chronic spasticity are some complications managed by physical exercises.

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