Monday, December 30, 2013

5 Key Tips To Start Building Body Mass

When you engage in exercise and push your body you will start building body mass naturally. Yet, if you don't engage your muscles in any strenuous activity how can you expect to start building body mass?
The truth is you really need to have a regime in place which if you stick to you will start seeing positive results in your body and it's fitness. Below is the kind of regime to follow to gain muscle quickly.

1) Sort An Exercise Routine Out
Firstly, you need to establish which exercises you're going to do and on which days. As you know some exercises only work specific parts of the body while others will develop multiple muscles simultaneously (such as an elliptical machine). What you need to bear in mind is that if you are focusing on specific parts of the body, you then need to allow that part of the body to recover for a day. You'll actually be building body mass when you are resting, not whilst training so if you don't give it a rest you'll hamper the process. One handy tip would be to workout specific parts daily i.e. work out arms on Monday, legs on Tuesday (allowing arms to essentially rest that day), back to weight training on Wednesday and so on.
If you want to bulk up as opposed to gaining core strength try and work your routine around many repetitions (aka reps), ideally 8-12, doing this 3-5 times (aka sets) with a short break in between (no more than 2 minutes).
2) Learn How To Use Each Piece Of Equipment Properly
To really start building body mass effectively you have to use the equipment effectively. Learn how you should be moving and standing/sitting when on each piece of exercise equipment. The worst thing you can do is injure yourself and be out of the gym for weeks or months undoing all your previous hard work. Start off slowly on each exercise until you feel comfortable (don't be afraid to ask specially trained staff at your gym for advice) to scale things up.

3) Lift Until You're Tired!
Once you have mastered the equipment and the correct stances and postures you need to get into the habit of pushing your body. Taking things easy initially is recommended but once you've settled into your regime you really need to be stressing your muscles if you're looking to burn fat quickly. By the final set you want your muscles to be exhausted! Listen to your body, if you're not exhausted then add more weights and alternatively if you can't complete the set drop some weights. By coasting when weight-lifting you're not pushing your muscles and will not gain muscle as well.

4) Develop A Complementary Diet
Building body mass quickly also requires the correct nutrition for your muscles. The old adage "you are what you eat" always stands true. If you eat junk what do you think your body will become?
Add carbs and protein into your diet. Avoid sugary stuff and instead consume low fat yoghurt, egg whites, oatmeal, tuna, steak, leafy green vegetables and brown bread.
Have a protein drink within half an hour of your workout. This will help your body mass building and help it repair quickly.

Get into the habit of replacing your old three square meals a day routine into one where you eat double this (six times a day) but obviously in smaller portions. Eating smaller meals throughout the day will keep you more energized and is a more effective muscle gain diet.

5) Add Supplements To Your Diet
Supplements are a great way of building body mass and to improve your performance and muscle recovery and repair. They also do it in a natural way and should not be confused by anabolic steroids. Bodybuilding supplements are normally a powdered variety of protein and are particularly advantageous when taken after a workout to help build muscle mass.

Once you have gotten into a routine of incorporating these five key principles into your life you will find yourself building body mass faster than you ever imagined!
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