Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Why Military Antennas Matter To The Armed Forces

By Ida Dorsey

Advancement of technology did a lot of change to our mode communication. If before fax are the superstars, now, emails and even instant messages on social media sites is the most popular avenues of information exchange. The stark difference is undeniable. But while it did a lot of good to people, it also increased the risk of attracting the presence of those entities who see data stealing as the next big shot in business.

The government know this and is careful in ensuring that what goes around will remain around the jurisdiction. We have embraced the gift of speed and convenience in technology but this also meant embracing the possible harms that come with it. The usage of military antennas for instance is a means to cut off some of these harms.

These materials helps a lot in making sure that what goes in and out of command is limited to the concerned people alone. Nothing more, nothing less. Even those outside a specific department cannot know what has exactly transpired between the internal circle unless they are allowed access to. This is how vital information is. Its knowledge can bring glory or doom to a country, to its citizens and families.

Failure to communicate well in the army, navy or air force can be detrimental. That is why the government is investing huge sum to create the latest communication technology that is capable of acing any of its kind in the world. They say that information is power. And information in the wrong hands can be deadly. This is what the authorities are trying to avoid.

The good thing about special made antennas is that they are purposive. They are not like any commercial products that anyone is entitled to buy. They are exclusive for military distribution and are designed to cater their special modes of communication.

Activities such as live streaming of an operation in a certain area, agent to agent communication, and record keeping all benefit from antennas. Without which, a huge chunk of the daily activities will have to be cut off. There are a lot of things that the armed forces need to take care of and smooth communication will make things a lot easier.

We can no longer set aside the idea that data theft is all over. Trained hackers from around the world are now capable of accessing even the most protected information available. They do not even need to be on site to steal it. All they need to have is a computer and a connection to the internet and that is it. They can start their work.

Information is important. And this is exactly why many people wants to have access to it especially the highly classified ones. Classified data cost high when sold. For the military, this can be the worst case scenario that can happen while assigned to a foreign area where officers are dependent on instructions from the higher ups.

The secret to a secure information is top the line gadgets and equipment that can facilitate its transfer and transmission. While there is no hundred percent guarantee of forever protection, there is at least something the armed forces can do to reduce the risk. Starting with installation of antennas on their devices is a good way to start.

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